real estate investments & development
Our Real Estate division focus is to recycle and preserve capital and runs parallel with our Construction Division. Having control of our construction division means: Cost Control, Quality Control, Schedule Control. We make greater returns from a successful real estate exit, that change orders on construction projects.
Our focus:
Real Estate Investments through Core Plus, and Value Add assets.
Real Estate Developments through Value Add Expansions, and Opportunistic Assets.
Our inhouse processes include:
Real Estate Analytics
Financial Engineering & Capital Formation
Real Estate Acquisitions and Dispositions
Asset Management
Real Estate Entitlement
Real Estate Development
asset classes
industrial real estate & development
A Sector with over 350 million square feet in the US alone. Our interest is the Southeastern United States Primary and Secondary Markets for assets with Value Add Expansions plays
self storage
Self Storage in the US is a $40B a year industry with almost 2B square feet of existing self storage and $3.7B spent on new construction in 2021 alone.
Our focus is in Value Add Expansions and Opportunistic plays on both secondary and tertiary markets in the Southeastern US.
build to rent communities
In 2021, there were over 140 million housing units in the United States, with 970,000 single-family homes completed that year. More than more than 12 million single-family homes are currently being rented in the United States with the percentage growing rapidly but not enough to meet the US estimated a 4 million housing shortage as of 2022. Our Focus is strictly Ground up Development on Primary and Secondary Markets.
Of the the 140 million + housing units in the US, 30%+ accounts for multifamily. In 2021 over 370,000 multifamily units were added to the market but not enough to meet the US estimated a 4million housing shortage as of 2022. Our focus is on Value Add Acquisitions and Value Add Expansions creating an institutional grade product on both Primary and Secondary Markets in the US.